Welcome to HBUK
Forum Information
From the Home Brewing UK team
27 560 Crossmyloof closing by Cheshire Cat -
Introduce Yourself
New Member? Introduce yourself to the community, tell us about your set up what you like to brew ect.
280 6,125 Field View Brewery by lakelandlad
Beer Brewing Forums
Beginners corner
Beginners Corner is a space to ask any questions without fear of them not being answered. Ask anything we are here to help, most of us would have loved to have had the resources this site can offer when we were starting our brewing journey, So if you have a question please feel free to ask
154 2,898 Equipment Setup by Rototype -
Get your brewing ailments diagnosed and treated!
216 3,857 White threads appears on top of the liquid by arthur.cerew -
Talk About Beer and Brewing
Beer and brewing chat
774 31,850 Cask ale by Clibit -
Beer Recipe Discussion
Talk about your beer recipes
266 5,933 Your best ever brew and recipe by GHW -
Brew Days
Tell us all about your brew day. Pictures are good!
Test Batches Competition's Low ABV Brewing 369 32,601 Who's brewing this weekend? by Tigermoth -
Yeast Hops Grains & Sugars Water Others Gluten free brewing 813 16,317 Hop plant progress by GHW -
Brewing Techniques
All Grain Extract & Partial Mash Sanitation Fermentation Bottling & Kegging Souring 305 4,332 Kegging after 13 days by Pete -
All in one systems BIAB & 2/3 vessel Fermenting Other Equipment 272 5,088 Large pot on induction hob ? by SamuelAdam -
Beer Kit Brewing
Kit Chat Beer Kit Reviews Pimp your Kit Recipes from kits 154 3,317 Budget brews by Tigermoth -
Brewing Books & Digital Media
Discuss and share brewing books, blogs, vlogs, podcasts and YouTube Channels.
275 2,532 How brewing changed modern medicine by Tigermoth -
Beer Brewing Step-by-Step Guides
Simple guides for any beer brewing or equipment building process
32 352 Stove top simple all grain brewing video by Pete
Beer Recipes
BRITISH Beer Styles Discussion
Tested Recipes New Recipes 258 5,331 Fursty Ferret by Galena -
AMERICAN Beer Styles Discussion
Tested Recipes New Recipes 193 1,990 American Beers by PhilBennett -
EUROPEAN Beer Styles Discussion
Tested Recipes New Recipes 151 2,038 Raw ale by Clibit -
OTHER Beer Styles Discussion
Tested Recipes New Recipes 55 667 17th Century Brewing by Pete
Wine, Cider, Mead & Food
Cider, Wine and Mead Brewing
For all brews of a non beer nature
113 2,080 Wilko Red Wine Kit -- Lost ingredients by Rototype -
What's Cooking?
Food, cookery and recipe chat
109 2,766 Burnt Basque cheesecake by OakIslandBrewery
Members Area
Commercial Beer Tasting
A category to post tasting notes of commercial beer
41 637 UK Pub and Beer recommendations by Tigermoth